Putting people, and our planet, at the heart of everything we do has never felt more important. With a joint commitment, from us, our partners and our community, to embed sustainability and social value into all our decision-making processes, we’re not only future-proofing MediaCity. We’re building a healthier environment, economy and society for all.
The MediaCity Sustainability & Social Value Network (SSVN) supports this commitment, encouraging enthusiasts from across the site to come together, explore ideas and implement initiatives that make a positive impact.
The network has grown to 30+ businesses and has delivered genuine and measurable social value both on the estate, and across our local communities, whilst aligning with Salford and Greater Manchester strategies on sustainability.

Get involved and make a difference
Since launching in 2019, the MediaCity SSVN meets regularly every 3 months. We take time to share and celebrate positive practices and success stories, inspiring each other on our joint quest to enhance our collective sustainability and social impact.
With the inclusion of a diverse range of guest speakers, we explore creative and innovative initiatives on supporting both our local communities and the environment. Having the opportunity to share, learn, volunteer and network helps to strengthen our prospect for a greener and fairer future.
Speakers have included Salford Foundation, National Literacy Trust, Keep Britain Tidy, Transport for Greater Manchester, Salford CVS, Salford Foodbank, City of Trees, START Inspiring Minds and Living Wage Foundation.
Collaboration is critical in the fight against climate change and for social justice, and together we can really make a difference. The network is always open to new members, we would love you to join us on our journey.
To find out more and get involved please sign up below.
Sign up to join the MediaCity Sustainability & Social Value Network

Are you a volunteer?
As part of the sustainability and social value network, it’s important that we demonstrate the wonderful impact our members are having across the MediaCity site. One of the ways we can do that is by highlighting some of the wonderful volunteering that takes place.
Our SSVN Volunteer Form, is a one-stop shop for sharing the volunteering you or your business have done recently. If you could take a few minutes to complete the form, that information will be shared with the steering group and will help the wider network see the impact the MediaCIty community is having across Salford and Greater Manchester.

Supporting Salford Foodbank
In November 2019 we opened the Food Giftbox on Box on the Docks to support the Salford Foodbank. This huge collection box has not only encouraged our local community to drop off much needed donations, but has also helped raise awareness of the plight of food poverty across the city.
Many residents, businesses and schools have also got involved with our city-wide campaign, adopting over 30 Mini Giftboxes, now dotted across Salford neighbourhoods. Together with our community volunteers, we have collected over 20 tonnes of food, contributing to more than half all donations made to the Foodbank.
Network Members
Audio Always
BBC Blue Peter
BBC Philharmonic
Blujay Solutions
The Botanist
Carbon Creative
City of Trees
IN4.0 Group
No Drama
Red Production Company
Salford Foodbank
Salford Foundation
Salford CVS
Salford City Council
Salford University
Seven Brothers
Social Sense
Stream AMG
39 Pictures
Transport for Greater Manchester
Unlimited Potential
Urban Bubble
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