Vishal Mistry – tech student
“The intersection of technology and other fields: that’s how we’re going to fix the world.”
Maria has led the Maker Space since 2017, and recently developed a partnership with HOST, our skills and technology innovation hub. She describes her MediaCity experience:
“My job is about developing digital savvy talent. There’s a real vacuum of talent with the necessary skills across the board, from manufacturing to cyber security. Businesses need workers with 2-3 years’ experience, but if you’re a graduate or a young person it’s hard to get that experience, particularly in developing areas such as esports. That’s where our partnership with HOST comes in. We provide the training and hands-on experience to move from education into the network of media, digital and creative businesses based at MediaCity – through tasters, bootcamps, internships, professional certification and then jobs.
We support those bright sparks who might otherwise struggle to get a foot in the door. Our learners see first-hand how their skills create published content and digital products, and we’ve seen many of our graduates join ITV, dock10, the BBC and more. MediaCity is the cooking pot where all this incredible local talent can apply their skills straight into industry, and then become part of that industry. It’s a pathway that enables businesses to get the talent they need right here, and to have confidence – that young people can hit the ground running and add value to the business from day one.”
“The intersection of technology and other fields: that’s how we’re going to fix the world.”
“It feels like a community; like I’m part of this media scene.”
“I liked the idea of studying next door to ITV, the BBC.”